وكلما كتب اسم الله تعالى اتبعه بالتعظيم مثل تعالى أو سبحانه أو عز وجل أو تقدس ونحو ذلك.
Whenever one writes the Name of Allah, the Exalted, he should follow it up with a description of exaltation, such as ” Ta’ala – تعالى ” (the Exalted), ” Subhanahu – سبحانه ” (Glorified is He), ” ‘Azza wa Jall – عز وجل ” (the Mighty and Majestic), “Taqaddas – تقدس ” (free from imperfection), etc.
وكلما كتب اسم النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – كتب بعده الصلاة عليه والسلام عليه، ويصلي هو عليه بلسانه أيضًا.
Whenever he writes the name of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), he should write after it “as-Salatu was-Salamu ‘alayh – الصلاة عليه والسلام عليه ” (prayers and peace be upon him), and he should also say this with his tongue.
وجرت عادة السلف والخلف بكتابة – صلى الله عليه وسلم –, ولا تختصر الصلاة في الكتاب ولو وقعت في السطر مرارًا كما يفعل بعض المحررين المتخلفين فيكتب: صلع، أو صلم، أو صلعم، وكل ذلك غير ليق بحقه – صلى الله عليه وسلم -، وقد ورد في كتابة الصلاة بكمالها وترك اختصارها آثار كثيرة.
The habit of the Salaf and those who came after them was to write this (صلى الله عليه وسلم) out fully and unabbreviated – even if it was repeated many times on the same line – as opposed to what the backwards authors of our times do, writing ‘SAW,’ ‘PBUH,’ or ‘SAWS,’ and all of this detracts from the rights he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has upon us.
وإذا مر بذكر الصحابي لاسيما الأكابر منهم كتب رضي الله عنه، ولا يكتب الصلاة والسلام لأحد غير الأنبياء والملائكة إلا تبعًا لهم.
If one comes across mention of a Companion – let alone the major ones – he should write “Radhi Allaahu ‘anhu” (may Allah be Pleased with him), and he is not to invoke peace and blessings except for the Prophets or Angels, except in following them.
وكلما مر بذكر أحد من السلف فعل ذلك أو كتب رحمه الله ولاسيما الأئمة الأعلام وهداة الإسلام.
[تَذْكِرَةُ السَّامِعِ والمُتَكَلِّم في أَدَب العَالِم والمُتَعَلِّم, ص 170]
If he comes across mention of one of the Salaf, he should write “Rahimahu Allaah” (may Allah have Mercy on him), especially when referring to the major, well-known, leading scholars of Islam (may Allah have Mercy on them all).
[Source: Tadhkirat as-Saami’ wal-Mutakallim, page 170, mentioned by Shaykh Abu ‘Abdullaah Muhammad Sa’id Raslan حفظه الله تعالى in his book “Adab Taalib al-‘Ilm”, pages 176-177]
The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa was posed the following question:
Question: Is it permissible to write the letter (S) [Saad] instead of (writing) ((sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)), and why?
Response: The Sunnah is to write the entire phrase ((sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam)) – since it is a supplication; And the supplication is a (form of) worship, such as verbally saying it (the phrase), and the abbreviation for it using the letter (S) [Saad] or (SAW) [Saad 'Ayn Waaw] (or (SAAW) or the like) is not (constitute) a supplication, and nor a (form of) worship, whether it be by speech or writing. And because of this, this abbreviation was not used by those of the first three generations about whom the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) bore witness to their excellence.
And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.
The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -
Head: Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez Ibn Abdullaah Ibn Baaz;
Member: Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee;
Member: Shaykh ‘Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan;
Member: Shaykh ‘Abdullaah Ibn Qu’ood
Member: Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee;
Member: Shaykh ‘Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan;
Member: Shaykh ‘Abdullaah Ibn Qu’ood
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